Maybe one of the most available learning technologies at school level is the Office applications as many schools don’t have access to internet and not even a computer room. Additionally, various may be their use for class activities and, yet, ignored as such, like in my personal experience. That is why, after going through the previous modules, I was able to realize the number of activities one can produce using Office applications. Although, as equally crucial is the approach to present these activities to the students (as a whole or in parts) during the class. Therefore, I consider that the success behind the use of these tools lies in the attractiveness of the activity by taking into consideration the adequacy of the content-student(s).
That's right Johann. Sometimes we take for granted Office Applications and there's a lot they have to offer to the untrained eye. As teachers we know more or less the ingredients a "good" lesson needs. What we have to find is an appropriate approach (e.g. Whole-class teaching) to suit our students'needs and context.